
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

one more for the boys

Before the end of boy month, I've one more project to share. Can you guess what this is?

Here it is chugging off to work, that very favorite of all boy vehicles...

the digger! Excavator, as the boys would correct me. In proper CAT yellow too.

My second son became interested in "diggies" at 18 months when the Easter Bunny left a small plastic one in his basket. He took it to bed with him that night and every night thereafter for a long time. He sparked my older son's interest in diggers and our walks became city-wide hunts for machines. No matter how urgent my rush, I had to stop at every construction site to watch the diggers work. For his second birthday, we had a veritable army of diggers atop mounds of "dirt" frosting.

 and everyone dressed appropriately as well. 

For quite a long time, it seemed we all lived and breathed diggies. Diggies became diggers and now my very grown up boy will say "No, Mom, that's an excavator!" (or loader, or grader or whatever else such machines are called.) That's 3 1/2 for you.

My Diggie Boy sweater includes an intarsia design is mostly from Lucinda Guy's Big Digger Sweater in Handknits for Kids. However, her sweater called for a dropped shoulder and instead I followed a generic scheme for a set-in shoulder from Ann Budd. I added a knitted hem at the bottom and sleeve cuffs and buttons on the shoulder so the crew neck would fit over the head of a two year old.

Also, the boys pointed out that the shovel in Lucinda Guy's design was facing the wrong way. I corrected that and I suggest you do as well.

Next, we're getting back to girl stuff, though there are also boy projects that won't make the boy month cutoff. I'm very excited about my current project. In fact, I've scheduled a professional photo shoot to show it off properly. Please come back to see it!


  1. This is awesome! My nephew would LOVE this! He's having a 'big trucks' party for his 2nd birthday this year.
    (Found you via the O+S forums!)

  2. Oh my, that is just beautiful! My 3.5 year old son is obsessed with construction equipment as well and had a digger party for his third. I'll have to consider this sweater. I love the shade of blue you used.
