
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fall knitting line up

There were a couple of months here full of flu, colds, infections and consequent sleep disruptions.  It exhausted me and derailed all non-essential activities and I’m only just starting to get it together again, but it did give me the chance to finalize my fall knitting plans. While sewing contributes significantly to my emotional well being, I needed to rest and recuperate and hunching over the sewing machine or ironing board doesn’t qualify. Sewing is physical labor. After a few hours at the machine, you can start to feel how backbreaking sweatshop labor must be. By the time I had some energy again, we needed to take care of all those mundane things that had built up, like cleaning, groceries, laundry, bills. Sewing simply had to take a back seat and quite a few projects may not get done. Such is life with three little ones - germy!

However, recuperating is a knitting-friendly thing, as knitting can be done lying on the sofa watching endless Law and Order reruns.  I finished the spring sweater for myself that I had planned to have finished by March. I might just get to wear it once or twice before it's too hot. I blocked it today and when it's dry, I'll share it. Or I’ll rip back the edging and add another inch.

Having finished my spring knitting, it's time to line up some pleasant projects for the fall. It may seem early, but lots of trial and even more error has taught me that knitting can't be done too far in advance.  I have two small cardigans lined up for her and I also plan to do hats for the boys. I wisely will not attempt sweaters for myself or the boys and am fighting the strong but ill-advised desire to buy beautiful yarn now for the little lace sweater I think I want to do her for next spring.

A few weeks ago, I ordered some Baby Cashmerino for a little gray cardigan with a fun striped yolk. I’ll also use scraps of the pink left from the February Baby sweater. I first tried a pattern by this designer over the winter to make a teeny little baby shrug. I was quite impressed with how nicely and easily the pattern came together and the reviews of her work on Ravelry are very good, so I have no doubts that this one will go smoothly. 

I’ve also decided to try the little leaf yoked cardigan again. I settled on red, since leaves do indeed turn red in the fall and because red is good for winter too. I find I tire of fall colors by Christmas, but red is a good summer, fall and winter. I had some time to myself over Mother’s Day weekend  and stopped by my LYS. I found this yarn, whose soft texture belied its price and acrylic content. Normally, I shudder at the thought of using acrylic, but the staff promised they get rave reviews about this yarn. Also, I’ve been shopping at this store since they opened and I know the owner simply wouldn’t carry anything that wasn’t quality, so I’ll try it.

Though most knitters look forward to fall and winter weather, I like the spring. There's something about the good weather, the gentle sun, the pollen-heavy air that makes me feel lazy. Knitting, unlike hunching over a sewing machine, is suited to laziness. It’s also quite portable. We get so few months of nice weather in our extreme climate that when spring comes, we’re under pressure to enjoy every last lovely moment and so we head out. Since I can hardly lug my sewing machine to the playground, knitting is what I do in the spring.  My favorite spring afternoons are spent sitting on a blanket in the sun with a baby who can’t yet crawl, knitting. If only the non-mobile stage wasn't so fleeting!

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