
Monday, October 10, 2011

birthday preview & a playdate tip

Though I'm still waiting to find the perfect buttons, I thought I'd post a quick preview of K's 1st birthday party dress, so I can share with you a clever (I think) way to finish the dress at the yoke. If you've made this one before, you know that you can't use the traditional seam finishes where the yoke joins the dress body. The yoke is completely finished and then topstitched to the dress. Cleverly, this makes it easier to get a nice round seam on the yoke, but it leaves the inside seam allowance raw. But here is the inside of my Playdate Dress

I cut a wide piece of contrast double fold bias - 2" to 2 1/2" would work - and bound the raw neck edge before attaching the yoke. I basted the bias to the right side, flipped it round and basted it again to hold it in place. I placed the yoke using lots of pins and a seam gauge to get an even 1/8" all the way around and topstitched it into place, being careful to catch the bias as well. Then, I went back and ripped out all the basting stitches.

The bias edge is loose and looks just like flat piping. I wish I had taken pictures as I went, but was running behind schedule with this one. If it's unclear, I'm happy to try and explain better. What do you think?

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  1. I think it's fabulous AND clever!!

  2. Very clever!
    May I link to you from my blog?

  3. Thank you! Yes, Nicole, go ahead and thanks for asking.
