
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Comfort Clothes

We've all been sick around here for weeks and I've taken a break from both the diet and excercise. It's hard to get up at dawn for a run when you can hardly breathe from coughing. :( So I've also taken a break from my fall sewing challenge. Instead, I'm reading the Colette Sewing Handbook cover to cover alongside Fit for Real People. I want my next projects to be perfect. So I'm sewing mainly for Kitty right now. But the other day I realized that I have nothing to wear that fits me at this awkward stage.

I'm still not quite into all my old clothes. I can squeeze into some knit tops, for sure, but I don't want every bump and bulge on display, nor do I want to wear Spanx just for school pickup. Since I have such a useful hobby, I decided to make something for those days I'm feeling less than thin. I wanted something with long sleeves and a little ease around the waist that I could just pull on and go without needing to coordinate layers and accessories. I decided to try the Lisette Continental blouse. Normally, big loose boxy things look frumpy on me, but I was drawn to the long slim sleeves that balanced out the bodice.  I liked the simple pull over design - which seemed rare in a woven top. Also, because of the generous design ease, I figured I could forgo the full bust adjustment and just sew the damn thing without spending hours fitting.

And voila! It's not bad at all. As you can see, I lowered the neck line. I had to - it was strangulating that high. And it made for such a huge expanse of unbroken fabric that I just looked, well huge.  I copied the lovely neckline from the Sorbetto top, which breaks up the vast expanse of bosom and opens up the face.  If you try this, be aware that you'll have to lengthen the neck facing piece to match. I did have to lower the bust darts for it to hang properly, but that was a lot less trouble than an actual FBA.

I rushed through this just to have it done and realized after that I wanted more length. I finished the sleeves and hem with bias facing to eek out some length. I may also take it in a little more at the sides under the bust to add some shape, but it is a cute top and more flattering than I would have thought. From the front it has a simple shape and the flounces are adorable from the back. However - be warned that from the side - total muu muu! yikes.

The fabric is yet more of that nice cotton lawn from Moda. I really hope they make more on this substrate - it's absolutely perfect to work with and wear. The Continental is essentially a dressed up tshirt - perfect for my day job! And it serves its purpose of keeping me nicely covered on fat days. I've already worn it a few times and I'll definitely be wearing it Friday after turkey and pumpkin pie!

Happy Thanksgiving and hurrah for the pumpkin pie!


  1. i really love this! i have this pattern but was afraid it would look boxy and frumpy too, but seeing it on you makes me want to try it out. cute fabric too.

  2. Love love love this!
    May have to bump it up my list too!

  3. Thank you! I really get a lot of wear from it. I'm thinking of some easy alterations that might add shape for my next one.
