
Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

The radio silence here followed a tough autumn full of infections and viruses and at some point there was no more sewing happening at all. No more anything happening at all except trying to get healthy and ready for a Christmas road trip. Barely has the elf dust settled and we're back on the road again. It's really tough to squeeze travelling into such a short school break. We'll be driving into the end of 2011 and arriving home for a fresh new year which I hope will hold lots of sewing, knitting, organizing and sewing studio creation. Here's a tiny preview of baby's Spring wardrobe.

This will be a beautiful little sweater, but was decidedly not the right choice for car knitting! I found myself a friendly yarn shop deep in the Atlanta exurbs and acquired simple scarf knitting for the ride

I have already begun assembling spring fabrics for patterns she will soon outgrow, as well as a few I haven't even tried yet. There will, after all, be another version of that lovely Citronille pattern with perhaps Puppet Show shorts. There will be a spring Sunday Brunch jacket and I plan to try adapting some pants into skinny stretch pants. There will be an Easter Bubble Dress. But first, some black chambray is only waiting for the right trim fabric to become a new Playdate dress. Early in the New Year, I will post instructions on how I finish that yoke seam so neatly.

We will ring in 2012 in a hotel halfway home and I wonder what kind of harbinger will that be for 2012. I wish all of you a restful, happy and handstitched new year!

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