
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

sewing space

Things were so hectic last fall, I decided I needed some time to catch up before I could really get used to the idea of a new year. To give myself some space, I decided to start 2012 on Febryary 1. So today seems like a good time to share some sewing organization. For a while now, I've been working to organizing my sewing supplies. I don't have a dedicated space - yet. I do, however, have way too much stuff to just pile in a box under the bed. Finding space is challenging because although my old Victorian townhouse is quite large, it lacks storage and spare nooks. It also lacks finished space, doorknobs, baseboards, walls and more that I won't go into. The subject of old home renovations could fill its own blog. Or ten.

I started in what will eventually be our closet, but was just a cubby full of boxes. That got small quickly and was a pretty dark. I tried the dining room for a while since we don't technically use it very much, but the kids were always running through and it's also dark. So I landed in my bedroom on a large folding table we use for Thanksgiving or big dinners. The bedroom is the only room with enough free floor space to accommodate laying out and cutting. It also has plenty of natural light even though it is north facing.

Right to hand, I keep a few little boxes with essentials. This one I saved from some John & Kira's treats is full of those little things you need all the time - seam ripper, small scissors, pencil, seam guage, extra bobbins, etc. The other little tin has all my feet.  They live with the tomato and magnetic pin cushion right next to the machine. The other tin holds a hand sewing kit that I take into the family room to sew cozied up on the sofa in front of the TV.

 The little drawer unit you see was super affordable and perfectly sized for tools and notions. The top drawer holds a caddy full of cutting supplies, extra needles and my sewing machine manual.

This one holds two tea bag organizers which are exactly right for packets of snaps and elastics. They also are perfect for skeins of embroidery floss and packaged bias tape and trims. The tiny labels made me feel so Martha.

Other drawers are exactly the right size to hold upcomming projects as I gather the supplies needed.

The tulle spilling out of this drawer can barely wait to be sewn up! This unit is so useful, I bought another for the rest of my notions, knitting and embroidery supplies. Fabrics and trims I plan to keep in plain sight. I will share that arrangement next time.

Hanging on my chair at the ready is the Liberty tote I take fabric shopping. Just now, it has a list and swatches for my next trip to Joann.

A very special set of Christmas gifts that I've been enjoying every single day. For Christmas, my husband actually loaded every single piece of my CD collection onto this new ipod and my mother-in-law bought me the radio. We haven't had a music system since we moved into this huge house. In a previous life, I trained as a classical musician, so it's been just wonderful to hear my old favorites after so long.

And the flowers? Just cause they look so pretty and cheerful on my desk. My oldest son came home from the grocery store with pink flowers for me one day and now I've gotten accustomed to seeing them there. It really brightens up an ugly plastic table and encourages me to keep things tidy.

Chances are, you have some of the same supplies at your place. I've scoured every store imaginable for storage options. I can save you some time and effort by sharing these. I've also found perfect baskets for patterns, which I will share soon. It's by no means a perfect solution. Hubby shares this room with me and we're both a little tired of the sewing taking over our "master" bedroom. I don't want to do anything so drastic as resolve, but I will hope that 2012 will be the year I get a dedicated studio.


  1. I LOVE that radio/dock. Fabulous - and so much more stylish than most. I have a new item for my wishlist!!

  2. Camille, the Crosby dock came from West Elm. Weve had a different Crosby radio in the kitchen for a few years and i love the retro styling and the sound quality. I searched high and low for something that looked nice! Most electronics are so bachelor pad.

  3. Just love your little space! Can you possibly tell me where your spool rack is from?

  4. Thanks! I'm pretty sure it came from Joann. Wait for a cupon!
