
Friday, May 25, 2012

strawberry time again

For my birthday, I decided strawberry picking was the way to go. Since my oldest had an unusually long Memorial Day break from school, I kept the other one home from preschool and made hubby take today and Monday off. We've got a nice long family weekend ahead of us!  Although, I'm battling a touch of bronchitis, so it will be a laid back one.

You might notice I'm presenting another repeat project here. I was shocked and amazed that last year's strawberry picking top still fit her, although it's much shorter.

I really can't believe how much differently she wears her clothes than the boys! I'm starting to see now that some things can last for more than just one season and it is making me think differently about planning her wardrobe. You have to understand that my oldest son at 6 is the size of most people's 10 year olds. He goes through at least two sizes per year. Sometimes, his shirts and pants get so short, it's a stretch to make it to the next season! Plus, his things are often so brutally worn out they're not even good for hand me downs. So the concept of clothes that last more than one summer is something of a revelation.

Now I'm starting to think about the ways in which I can extend the life of a garment. There is a coat pattern I've been waiting to try this coming fall. Now that I know it might just last for two - or even three? - seasons, I am planning ways to build in growing room. Suddenly, I am freshly excited for baby girl projects because all that effort and care will be of real use.  That's a gratifying thought.

Hmmm, I always seem to show her stuffing her face. Tomorrow, jam making, then I promise I will have some real sewing to share soon.

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