
Thursday, May 17, 2012

place holding

Back from New York with a bad cold and a huge duffel bag full of fabric, I have lots of stuff to organize, lots of projects in muslin form but very little ready for sharing. I received these wonderful pictures from our favorite photographer some time ago and have been saving them to fill just such a gap.

Don't you just love the petulant look on her face? I'm really not sure what was going through her head that day.

I've shared the details of this top already, but wasn't able to get my cranky toddler to model it. It was a shame, because I love the way the gathered front puffs out over her enormous toddler belly. (So enormous, during the delivery I honestly thought for a moment it was another head!)  

The dragonfly blouse has been a real favorite. She asks for it all the time and has even managed to convey to me in toddlerese that her baby needs a matching outfit. I'm working on that, but it's low on the list just now. This fabric has held up very well through repeated washings. It hasn't pilled at all, as some Joann stuff does.

The 2+2 blouse is a little more involved than the easier Oliver + S patterns, but so very cute. It's kind of irresistible. The back buttons are not the quickest way to dress a toddler, but I find them so charming it's worth the effort once in a while.


  1. Lovely,I wish I had had a baby with chocolate eyes....

  2. aww, thanks! She's a brown eyed girl, all right, like her mama before her. :) Guess you'll have to try again Nicole! lol.

  3. She's just stunning (especially that pouty face!). And the top is lovely too! I love pink and yellow together. Very old-fashioned and springy.
